Word Chains

     This activity is called Word Chains.  It allows students to use vocabulary words they know to see connections to other words by changing only one (1) letter at a time.  This can be done individually or with a partner.  The objective is to see who can form the the longest chain of words.
      Play begins with the teacher giving a word in the target language.  Students then begin to form their word chain by altering only one letter at a time to form a different word.  Should a chain come to an end because no further changes can result in a different word, the students can go back to the middle of the chain and branch off.   Three (3), four (4) or five (5) letter words work best as beginning words.
      The winner is the chain with the most words linked together.  See the example below which began with the word book.  The total score for this chain would be 21 (from
food to sink).


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